In this world full of noise, Anshu’s voice stands out.
Unapologetic, clear, decisive.
I had the privilege of hearing him as a part of an audience of thousands, wholly shocked and unabashedly crying by the time he concluded. Anshu makes you feel responsible for both the problem and the solution.
How does one attempt to summarize Anshu in a few words? How does one even begin? Fondly referred to as Anshu Bhaiyya by an entire generation of young people, it is difficult to articulate any one reason that makes him stand out as one of the tallest leaders in the Indian development sector today.
So, I will begin from the beginning. The eldest of four children born to Kusum Ji and SD Gupta Ji, Anshu hails from a simple family with beautiful values. Guptaji was an honest Government officer, which led to multiple transfers across some of the toughest locations in the North of India. However, every time the family moved homes, the children learnt to immerse themselves in new schools, environments, neighbourhoods and cultures. Kusum Ji was a strong woman, meticulous in her management of a loving home within limited means.
The seeds of empathy and action were sowed in his life by strong role modelling from his parents and the life he led with them. Frequent change of schools, adapting to new environments with each change, co-learning with children and co-existing with people of all economical and religious backgrounds; he had seen a life where inclusion was not an after-thought but a necessity.
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